Mississippi 2010 : Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean ut neque nulla. Vestibulum ultricies commodo est et scelerisque. Donec egestas elementum sodales. Praesent at leo at ante dictum imperdiet eu sed turpis. Praesent ut est eu sapien mollis fringilla sit amet eu lectus. Phasellus sagittis urna est, et egestas nibh. Mauris ante dui, porta sit amet pulvinar quis, euismod sit amet velit.

The Plan

In order to meet this goal, we will:
Maintain a list of persons who are willing and able to respond by going, giving and/or praying when needs arise:
Create a network to communicate the
need quickly:
Have a trailer that is well equipped with
tools and equipment; and maintain a list of equipment that is available on a loan basis:
Dispatch a team and equipment within
24-48 hours of a disaster:
Replace teams with new workers each week or two for as long as ATS is in a devastated area:
Plan and coordinate rebuilding projects in addition to immediate disaster response.